First time user of Click To Pay? Please read on for step-by-step guidance.

1. When you click on the Click To Pay button above you will be sent first to a screen where you enter the total from your Xebrawerx invoice:

After entering the total, please click Update Totals to register the amount you will be charging.

2. Next you have two options to choose from for payment method, A) Paypal or B) credit card.

A. On the right side is the Paypal option. If this is your preferred method then enter you Paypal login here and proceed as you normally would with their service:

B. On the left is the credit card option which does not require you have a Paypal account. If this is preferred, then click the Continue link and read on:

3. If you have chosen the credit card option, the next screen is where you enter your credit card billing information:

4. After you have clicked the Review Order and Continue button above, you are sent to this screen to finalize payment:

If everything looks right, then click the Pay Now button. After this your credit card will be charged, Xebrawerx will receive notification of your payment, and you will receive a receipt by email.

All Set? Then head to the top of the page and click the Click To Pay button.

Questions? Please call 612-719-9632 (Minneapolis-St Paul) or 520-299-9111 (Arizona).

Thank you for your business.


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